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Etre un as.


>>>' Being the best' . In Latin, 'as' means ' a cent', 'penny' . It is worthless. At world war I , the pilot play poker. The winner is who get the card which are closer ten. Poker 'A' is the card which is close the ten. After it, the pilot will called the pilot is champion who shoot down ten planes. Par exemple, ' Je suis un as. parce que je gagne ce jeu.'


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Etre patraque.




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Etre le dindon de la farce.


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Remettre les pendules à l’heure.


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Tomber dans les pommes。

>>> There are two possibilities of using this phrase. Some people believe ‘ pomme ‘ and ‘ pâmer’ the sounds are closer. And pâmer this word no one use it more from the 15th century. Other reason is Samuel Bernard who is Louis XV’s minister of finance he had a daughter - Madame Louise Dupin. She always writes the letter to her granddaughter. In their letter her granddaughter always says ‘ Je suis dans les pommes cuites’ she was so exhausted. Par exemple, il est tombée dans les pommes toujours.


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Apporter des oranges (à quelqu’un).


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Tomber sur un os.

>>> It was at WWI in 1914 the soldier couldn’t get enough food. The most soldier only got the bone. Because it is hardly to eat the bone. The phrase means ‘ someone has a big problem or it is difficult’. Par exemple, ‘C’est trop difficile. C’est tomber sur un os pour moi.’


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La bouteille à l’encre.

>>>>>It means ' unfixed the problem or unclear stuffs '. In 18th century the people used 'clair comme la bouteille à l’encre'. It means 'It is like the ink'. Because the ink is with the color you can't see it. Now the people use it when they think the problem need to fix. Par exemple, 'Ce élection est la bouteille à l'encre'. 


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Avoir du cul / Avoir du pot / Avoir du bol.

The phrases don't mean ' have a ass, have a pot or have a bowl.'  Since 1960' it means lucky. Otherwise ' pot ' and ' bol ' two words means the hole of dirty stuff from the 19th century. It means ass too. That's why all of them mean lucky now. Par exemple : il a du cul parce que l'enseignant n'a pas vu il triche l'examen.

Avoir du cu-Avoir du pot-Avoir du bol


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Secret de polichinelle.

Polichinelle is the person who has hunch back talk loudly. He would tell everything while he knows. That is why the sentence which means the open secret. Par exemple : C'est secret de polichinelle. Tout de monde sait. 


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Casser sa pipe.

It was from the end of 17th century, at that time the soldiers do the surgery without the anesthetic. The doctor will give the soldiers the pipe of soil in their mouth. They can bite the pipe when they feel so painful. If the pipe was dropped from their mouth it means the soldier was died. Par exemple : Il casse sa pipe l'année dernière.



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As de pique.

It means the dressing is terrible. At 17th century it means someone's stupid or the body shape is not sexy. Till 19th century it turned into asshole. Now it means the dressing is terrible, you are not fashionable. Par exemple :  Son vêtements est as de pique.



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Par monts et par vaux.

Through the mountains and through the valley. It means travel around the world. Par exemple : Par monts et par vaux que est amusement.



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Décrocher la timbale

In 19th century in country of France there was a game of 'Le mât de cocagne' . In Italia it called 'Albero della Cuccagna' . The game which is a colorful stick puts lots oil or soap. The people have to climb on the top to get the food or a silver of cup. The person will be winner if he get it. That is why it means get successful. Par exemple: Il décrocher la timbale toujours.



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Ce n’est pas une sinécure.




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C’est fort de café !

>>>The sentence was from 17th century. It means ' someone's behavior is out of line.' At that time the people use ' c'est trop fort! / c'est un fort! / c'est peu fort!' to mean it. Now the coffee is one part of the people's life. However the coffee is light one or the strong one. It would be close the meaning more. Par exemple : Il fait ça toujours. C'est fort de café !



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Mon petit doigt m’a dit.

>>>It means ' I already knew it. Don't lie to me. I won't tell how I know'. Long time ago the word' l'auriculaire' it means 'oreille' also. The pinkie is smaller than others and it is easy to put into the ear. That's why the people use this phrase to mean ' have known the secret' . Par exemple : Tais-toi, ne me mens pas. Mon petit doigt m'a dit.



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Avoir un appétit d’oiseau / Manger comme un moineau.

>>>It was from 18th century. In people's thinking the birds eat not much. In English there is a pharse is ' eat like a bird' . It means the same which the people eat not much. Par exemple : Tu as un appetit d'oiseau. Tu manges comme un moineau.



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Etre aux anges.

>>> In religion, the angle symbolizes happiness, heaven. It means you look so happiness when a person said it to you. Par exemple: tu es aux anges.



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Découvrir le pot aux roses.

>> It means ' find out the bad secret.' The phrase is from 13th century, the rich woman would hide the secret in the small box or the box of perfume. Usually those kinds of secrets are bad and shame. Par exemple : Elle aime un gen qui elle ne dit pas mais sa mama découvre le pot aux roses.



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